"The Kingdom of God does not come with observation…for indeed the Kingdom of God is within you."Luke 17:20-21

Posts tagged ‘God’

Babies, Heaven’s Greatest Teachers

Not only do babies fascinate me, but also, I believe they are heaven’s greatest teachers.

I love to watch their responses when they discover new things, like bubbles in their bathtub, or their first taste of ice cream.  Their excitement over simple things that we take for granted is a source of pure delight.

Babies radiate unconditional love.  They don’t hold a grudge if you don’t change their smelly diapers or don’t feed them on time.

Babies are smart, strong-willed and persistent. They figure out a way to get what they want.  When told “no,” about something she wants, my sweet granddaughter will go from person to person until she gets a “yes.”  If she doesn’t get the “yes” right away, she just keeps working at it.

Babies’ determination to walk inspires me.  It does not matter how many times they fall on their little bottoms, they get up, wobble on unsteady feet, and try again and again, and again.  They will use tables, chairs, other people, and whatever else is available for mobility; and they don’t ask permission–they just do it.

Among the other  wonderful things about babies, is that they don’t worry about who is looking, how foolish they may look, or whether someone is judging them.  Babies are not ego-driven.  They don’t worry about other people’s opinions. They don’t procrastinate. They don’t make excuses for failure.  They just focus on what they want, and they go for it (sometimes to our chagrin).

What I find most incredible, however, is how these little miracles adapt to our world. Consider this: at birth, they are helpless and  totally dependent, unable to speak our language, and unschooled in our customs.  They are not deterred by any of these things; but instead overcome every obstacle in their path. Is that amazing or what?

Could it be that  babies are among our greatest teachers?  Could it be that God uses babies to teach us  lessons about life? Perhaps this is why Jesus said, “… The Kingdom of God belongs to people who are child-like.” (Lk. 18:16)  To paraphrase, I would say the Kingdom belongs to people who:

  • delight to discover new things.
  • love unconditionally.
  • appreciate life’s simple pleasures.
  • persistently focus on what they want.
  • are not ego-driven.
  • don’t make excuses for failure.
  • overcome obstacles.
  • totally depend on God.
  • seek the King of kings and His Kingdom.

In closing, I encourage you to study your babies as you cuddle them and kiss their sweet faces. Most of all rejoice in the great things you will learn today about yourself and about the Kingdom from some of heaven’s greatest teachers!

Hidden Greatness

Have you ever wondered why some people shine and others hide?  What about you–are you shining or hiding? If you are shining, shine on! If you are hiding, what are you hiding from?

As kids we played “hide and seek.” If you were the “seeker,” you closed your eyes, counted to ten, and then went on the hunt for the “hiders.” As we grew up , we put away childish things, but some of us are still hiding.

Shining or hiding…Let’s contrast them. To keep this simple, I will only deal with light (shining things) and darkness (hidden things).

Light shines and draws attention.   Jesus called His disciples “the light of the world” and said they were like a city sitting on a hill that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14).

Darkness hides things.  In John 1:5, the testimony about Jesus described Him as the  light shining in darkness; but  concluded with an interesting phrase in the King James Version, that the darkness “comprehended it not.” In other words, darkness could not understand Christ’s light and tried–but failed miserably–to extinguish it.

Okay, now its time to get personal.  The light inside you is the divine spark of God.  God created you for greatness. He made you in His likeness and image.  If you are hiding, it is time to come out and brilliantly display all the greatness that God has put inside you.

People living in darkness (the “hiders” ) cannot understand those who live in light (the “seekers”). They cannot understand when you choose faith (light) over fear (darkness).  They don’t get it when you forgive those who hurt you (light), instead of retaliating (darkness).

Darkness will never understand light; but light extinguishes darkness.  My dear one, you are that city on a hill, whose beacon opens a pathway of hope to all “hiders” whom God is calling out of darkness into His marvelous light.

As lights in the world, I urge you to  shine with all the bold, beautiful, brilliant light that God has deposited in you.  Burst forth with the greatness that is your Kingdom birthright. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven (Matthew 5:16).

Children and the Kingdom

Have you ever heard anything so beautiful or so pure as the voices of happy children? Their delightful giggles and playful whoops add color to my day. No matter what I’m doing,  my mouth automatically turns up into a happy grin when I hear children laughing.  As much as their laughter evokes a contented chuckle, their cries break my heart.

A child’s cry  pierces me with tiny daggers.  My mothering instinct evokes a visceral, protective response. I cannot explain why I react this way, except to say that my heart has always been tender towards children.

I admit that I have a hard time forgiving wicked people who do unmentionable things to children; but the commandment is clear. To be forgiven, I must forgive.  May God grant me more grace to overcome my weakness.

Jesus, who was also fiercely protective of little ones, forgave the worst repentant offenders.  But with forgiveness, He issued warnings: Anyone who causes a little one to sin is better off with a large millstone hung around his neck and thrown into the sea. (Matt. 18:6; Lk. 17:2) It’s hard to grasp that being flung into the deepest part of the sea with a millstone around your neck is preferable to facing God’s anger.

Jesus celebrated children!  Following are some complimentary things Jesus said (paraphrased):

  • If anyone welcomes a little child, he welcomes me. (Matt. 18:5)
  • To be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, you must become as humble as a child. (Matt. 18:4)
  • Let the children come to me; don’t stop them. The Kingdom of God belongs to people who are child-like. (Lk. 18:16)

In closing, I invite you to open your window and listen for the sound of children’s voices.  Enjoy the music of their laughter.  Better still, join in!  And when you pray,  please whisper a prayer of comfort to  soothe the hurt of little ones when they cry.  Thank you.  May you enjoy many blessings.