"The Kingdom of God does not come with observation…for indeed the Kingdom of God is within you."Luke 17:20-21

Posts tagged ‘Forgiveness’

Children and the Kingdom

Have you ever heard anything so beautiful or so pure as the voices of happy children? Their delightful giggles and playful whoops add color to my day. No matter what I’m doing,  my mouth automatically turns up into a happy grin when I hear children laughing.  As much as their laughter evokes a contented chuckle, their cries break my heart.

A child’s cry  pierces me with tiny daggers.  My mothering instinct evokes a visceral, protective response. I cannot explain why I react this way, except to say that my heart has always been tender towards children.

I admit that I have a hard time forgiving wicked people who do unmentionable things to children; but the commandment is clear. To be forgiven, I must forgive.  May God grant me more grace to overcome my weakness.

Jesus, who was also fiercely protective of little ones, forgave the worst repentant offenders.  But with forgiveness, He issued warnings: Anyone who causes a little one to sin is better off with a large millstone hung around his neck and thrown into the sea. (Matt. 18:6; Lk. 17:2) It’s hard to grasp that being flung into the deepest part of the sea with a millstone around your neck is preferable to facing God’s anger.

Jesus celebrated children!  Following are some complimentary things Jesus said (paraphrased):

  • If anyone welcomes a little child, he welcomes me. (Matt. 18:5)
  • To be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, you must become as humble as a child. (Matt. 18:4)
  • Let the children come to me; don’t stop them. The Kingdom of God belongs to people who are child-like. (Lk. 18:16)

In closing, I invite you to open your window and listen for the sound of children’s voices.  Enjoy the music of their laughter.  Better still, join in!  And when you pray,  please whisper a prayer of comfort to  soothe the hurt of little ones when they cry.  Thank you.  May you enjoy many blessings.